Give your code power


Apallax.js generates a website in milliseconds!

It's very easy to create a website with Apallax.js .

Apallax.js has already fully functional components included.

You can include a variable into a component with ${this.props.NAME} .


To create a website with Apallax.js you need to do the following steps:
1. Create a new folder for your project.
2. Create a file named index.html and give the body tag the ID apallax-root in your project.
3. Create a folder in your project named components.
4. Create a file named app.js in components.
5. Import the app.js file in index.html with:

<script type="module" src="./components/app.js"></script>

6. Add the following code to your app.js file:
import { Apallax } from '';
import { Component } from '';

7. Create for all your components a seperate JavaScript file in the components folder with the following code:
import { Component } from '';

export class NAME_OF_COMPONENT extends Component {
   render() {
      return `HTML_CODE`;

7.1 To add a property to a component you only need to write
at the position where you want the property to be.

8. Import all of your components seperate in app.js file with the following code:
import { NAME_OF_COMPONENT } from './FILE_NAME.js';

9. Create an App component in app.js file with the following code:
class App extends Component {
   render() {
       return `HTML_CODE`;

9.1 You can use a component in App component with:
${Apallax.component('NAME_OF_COMPONENT', { PROPERTIES })}

9.2 You can define properties in a component with:

10. Add your App component with:
Apallax.addComponent('App', App);

11. Render the App component with:
Apallax.render('App', null, null, 'apallax-root');

12 . Be happy with your Apallax.js website! 😀😀😀

Websites built with Apallax.js

Matthias' Film Empfehlungen

A simple german Website for Movie recommendations.

Go to the Website
Super Kochen

A simple german Website for cooking recepies.

Go to the Website